Dr Gary Grohmann B.Sc. (Hons), PhD, FASM Immunisation Coalition Board Member Gary Grohmann is former Director of Immunobiology and WHO ERL at the TGA.  He currently works as an independent consultant, primarily with the WHO on influenza related projects in the Global Influenza Programme and the Essential Medicines Programme. Dr. Grohmann has served on several […]

Immunisation Coalition

Dr Gary Grohmann

B.Sc. (Hons), PhD, FASM

Immunisation Coalition Board Member

Gary Grohmann is former Director of Immunobiology and WHO ERL at the TGA.  He currently works as an independent consultant, primarily with the WHO on influenza related projects in the Global Influenza Programme and the Essential Medicines Programme.

Dr. Grohmann has served on several WHO steering committees including the committee for the review of the IVTM database on influenza viruses and reassortant influenza viruses, and the WHO VCM committee that recommends virus strains for influenza vaccines (until 2015).

His primary interests are in vaccines, vaccine regulation, medical and veterinary virology, and infectious diseases resulting from contaminated food and water as well as other environmental sources.

Gary speaks regularly on these topics for organisations around the globe.  We highly recommend listening to Gary speak as his talks are always insightful and engaging.

Here is what Gary has been saying in the media lately:

“A child is much more likely to catch Covid from an adult than from elsewhere” Daily Telegraph Sep 2021

How much of Australia’s vaccine supply should be exported?” News GP – July 2021

Some nations using China’s vaccines are battling outbreaks. So do they work? The Sydney Morning Herald July 2021

Page Published: 18 October 2021 | Page Updated: 2 June 2022