
Our members are made up of individuals and groups from Australia and New Zealand. Read more to find out how you can join.

About Membership

Membership of the Immunisation Coalition consists of individuals from Australia and New Zealand, with medical and scientific expertise, and an interest in immunisation and infectious diseases. The core of the membership stems from the founding members of the Influenza Specialist Group, which has evolved into the Immunisation Coalition.

All members have voting rights for matters under consideration at the annual general meeting. The committees of the Immunisation Coalition are populated by its members, who provide expert knowledge and experience for the effective management of the organisation. Directors are also drawn from the membership.

In addition to Individual Members, there are Associate Members – members without voting rights – who represent a variety of associated organisations (as listed below). All membership applications (both individual and associate) are received by the Board for consideration, and assessed accordingly.

Become a Member

To become a member of the Immunisation Coalition, you must have a genuine interest in immunisation and disease prevention in Australia. As a member of the Immunisation Coalition you are:

  • Afforded the opportunity to attend meetings of the organisation that facilitate discussion on influenza and other infectious diseases;
  • Entitled to attend the organisation’s Annual General Meeting, and to vote on any matters relating to the Immunisation Coalition;
  • Invited to provide feedback on important awareness activities and projects that are being undertaken each year.

Membership of the Immunisation Coalition is by way of a 5 year fixed term. Membership applications must be made using an Immunisation Coalition membership application form (available here), and be supported by 2 existing members. The completed form, along with a CV, should be sent to Acceptance as a member is entirely at the discretion of the Board of Directors. A copy of the Immunisation Coalition’s constitution can be downloaded here.

Our Members

Tom Aechtner
Satyamurthy Anuradha
Katie Atwell
Karina Baigrie
Andrew Baird
Ian Barr
Tony Bartone
Robert Booy
Lucy Bowyer
Philip Britton
Genni Brown
Vanessa Bryant
Penny Burns
Sarah Chu
Nicholas Chung
Richard Clark
Hazel Clothier
Suzanne Coutinho
Margie Danchin
Sara Drew
Dominic Dwyer
Leanne Edwards
Peter Eizenberg
Sonja Elia
Adrian Esterman
Valmay Fisher
Alex Flintoff
Andrea Forde
Caroline Foreman
Oliver Frank
Jon Griffin
Paul Griffin
Gary Grohmann
Alan Hampson
Sharon Harris
Anthony Hochberg
Norman Hohl
Philippa Holland
Ben Howden
Jessica Hunter
Louis Irving
Shane Jackson
Susan Jain
Lance Jennings
Leanne Jones
Jennifer Juno
Marlena Kaczmarek
Kashif Khan
Jessica Kaufman
Katherine Kedzierska
Tom Kotsimbos
Kerryn Lajoie
Colleen Lau
Alan Leeb
Jane Leong
John Litt
Dell Lovett
Holly Lyndon
Raina MacIntyre
Ginni Mansberg
Wilma Martin
Elizabeth McCarthy
Brad McKay
Deborah Mills
George Milne
David Muller
Michael Murray
David Muscatello
Monica Nation
Angela Newbound
Michael Nissen
Anthony Page
Jane Pappin
Rodney Pearce
Susan Pearce
Leanne Philips
Caroline Pilot
Wendy Pollock
Stella Prescott
Debbie Proctor
Harunor Rashid
William Rawlinson
Patrick Reading
Peter Richmond
Mark Rigby
Sue Rodger-Withers
Tilman Ruff
Kim Sampson
Gemma Saravanos
Holly Seale
Kirsty Short
David Smith OAM
James Smith
Mekala Srirajalingam
Nigel Stocks
Rhonda Stuart
Sheena Sullivan
Timothy Tan
Steven Tong
Hassan Vally
Paul Van Buynder
Marita Walmsley
Michael Wise
Michael Woodward
Michael Wright
Megan Young

Associate Members

Page Published: 18 May 2020 | Page Updated: 26 August 2024